For our final project, we chose to create 10 memes revolving around the topic of Deviance:
The World Health Organization defines video game addiction as “pattern of gaming behaviour characterised by impaired control over gaming.” There is also the possibility that video game addiction could be classified as an official disease by 2020. The excessive and seemingly-uncontrollable use of video games has been medicalized and it is now considered as an addiction. It is also classified as a medical condition since it deviates from the norm of playing video games moderately.
#Deviance #MedicalizationOfDeviance #Sociology #VideoGames #Addiction
| Meme by Dela Cruz, A. | Roque, S. |
*Chowdhury, Hasan. “Video game addiction could soon be recognised as official disease by WHO.” Technology Intelligence, 18 May, 2019. www. Accessed 19 May 2019.
*Macionis, John J. “Deviance.” Sociology, 16th ed., Pearson, 2017. Pp. 238-268. *Used for the meme
Since the start of Duterte’s War on Drugs, there have been many cases of drug users that have been arrested or killed by the police. However, a large number of the reported drug users that were sanctioned are those from the marginalized areas in Manila. Wealthy drug users or pushers were not reported to have been penalized as severely. This shows how the wealthy are more likely to receive lighter sanctions for their deviant behavior, even those classified as crimes, as compared to people from the lower classes.
#Deviance #Crime #SCOnDeviance #Marx
| Meme by Dela Cruz, A. | Roque, S. |
*Aldama, Zigor. “How Philippines war on drugs has become a war on the poor.” Post Magazine, 20 Jan. 2018. post-magazine/long-reads/article/2129538/how-philippines-war-drugs-has-become-war-poor. Accessed 20 May, 2019.
*Macionis, John J. “Deviance.” Sociology, 16th ed., Pearson, 2017. Pp. 238-268.
*Used for the meme
Recent studies by psychologists suggest that procrastination is is caused by “task anxiety and the fear of failure based on self-doubt concerning one’s competency and abilities to complete a task effectively.” These studies attempt to give an explanation from a medical perspective as to why people would procrastinate. The act of procrastinating, which goes against the norm of spacing the work that needs to be done to complete a task, is placed under medical jurisdiction.
#Deviance #MedicalizationOfDeviance
| Meme by Dela Cruz, A. | Roque, S. |
*Hoffman, Bobby. ”The Scary Truth about Procrastination.” Psychology Today, 8 Oct. 2015. 201510/the-scary-truth-about-procrastination. Accessed 19 May, 2019.
*Macionis, John J. “Deviance.” Sociology, 16th ed., Pearson, 2017. Pp. 238-268.
*Used for the meme
According to the Differential Association Theory by Edwin Sutherland, “a person’s tendency toward conformity or deviance depends on the amount of contact with others who encourage or reject conventional behavior.” In this theory, a person may be more likely to deviate from a certain behavior is he is surrounded by people who are already deviating from that behavior. For example, a person may be more cut classes if that person is surrounded by friends or classmates who are already doing so.
#Deviance #DifferentialAssociationTheory #EdwinSutherland
| Meme by Dela Cruz, A. | Roque, S. |
*Macionis, John J. “Deviance.” Sociology, 16th ed., Pearson, 2017. Pp. 238-268.
*Used for the meme
According the the Loyola Schools Undergraduate Student Handbook, students may have to perform mandatory community service depending on how many times they have committed a parking violation. This is an example of formal control since the mandatory community service is imposed by those with authority in the school. The administrators of the school sanction students who deviate from the norm of following the proper guidelines for parking their vehicles. In addition, the community service is considered as a negative sanction since it punishes students for breaching the rules.
#Deviance #FormalControl #NegativeSanction
| Meme by Dela Cruz, A. | Roque, S. |
Loyola Schools Undergraduate Student Handbook. 2016th ed, 2016.
*Macionis, John J. “Deviance.” Sociology, 16th ed., Pearson, 2017. Pp. 238-268.
*Used for the meme
Students who get caught once without their I.D. tend to not forget to bring their I.D. anymore. However, there are students who still continue with this deviant behavior despite the amount of sanctions from the school guard. Consequently, those students who continue to deviate from the norm or the rule will still be given be given a negative sanction, and the severity of that sanction may increase depending on the number of times they continue to deviate.
#Deviance #MinorOffense #NegativeSanction
| Meme by Dela Cruz, A. | Roque, S. |
*Macionis, John J. “Deviance.” Sociology, 16th ed., Pearson, 2017. Pp. 238-268.
*Used for the meme
People who are fond of shopping are considered as shopaholics. However, doctors consider this behavior as Oniomania or Compulsive Buying Disorder, an “obsessive or uncontrollable urge to buy things.” Because of this obsession, it has now become medicalized and considered as a disorder because it goes against the norm of buying things in moderation.
#Deviance #MentalDisorder #Oniomania #CompulsiveBuyingDisorder
| Meme by Dela Cruz, A. | Roque, S. |
*Banschick, Mark. “The Shopaholic: When Shopping Becomes and Illness.” Psychology Today, 8 Jul. blog/the-intelligent-divorce/201407/the-shopaholic. Accessed 19 May, 2019.
*Macionis, John J. “Deviance.” Sociology, 16th ed., Pearson, 2017. Pp. 238-268.
*Used for the meme

#Deviance #DifferentialAssociationTheory
| Meme by Dela Cruz, A. | Roque, S. |
*Macionis, John J. “Deviance.” Sociology, 16th ed., Pearson, 2017. Pp. 238-268.
*Used for the meme
When someone likes another culture other than theirs, people tend to label them a certain name. For this meme, someone who likes kpop is automatically viewed as a Koreaboo because it is assumed that they are no longer patronizing their own culture. This meme is connected to the labelling theory because, in places like the Philippines, supporting local or Western culture is considered as the norm. Those who deviate by patronizing both a foreign and non-Western culture are given a label.
#Deviance #LabellingTheory
| Meme by Dela Cruz, A. | Roque, S. |
*Macionis, John J. “Deviance.” Sociology, 16th ed., Pearson, 2017. Pp. 238-268.
*Used for the meme
In the Philippines, it is considered the norm for Filipinas, who dye their hair, to use shades of brown. Filipinas who dye their hair using a different color, such as colors from the rainbow, are considered to be deviating from a folkway. It is considered a folkway since, in countries like the United States, it is the norm for girls to go for a blonde color, or even ombre, instead of brown. In addition, unlike the Philippines, it is more socially acceptable to dye hair in rainbow colors there.
#Deviance #Norms #Folkways #Conservative
| Meme by Dela Cruz, A. | Roque, S. |
*Macionis, John J. “Deviance.” Sociology, 16th ed., Pearson, 2017. Pp. 238-268.
*Used for the meme
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Dela Cruz, Alecx
Memes (5 memes)
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Roque, Sofia
Memes (5 memes)
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