Saturday, May 25, 2019

SA 21-T Meme Project Cortes, Estacio, Lim, Peralta, Reyes

Ateneo de Manila University

MEME Final Project
MEME Topic: Deviance

Submitted by:
Cortes, Kobe
Estacio, Alfonso Luis
Lim, Karl
Peralta, Conor
Reyes, Kal-El

Submitted to:
Roque - Sarmiento, E.
May 25, 2019
SA 21 - T


A topic included in Deviance is called Differential Association Theory, which means that people tend to exhibit more deviant-like behaviour when their group of peers or associates are in favor of performing deviant behaviour (Sutherland). In this meme, a critique upon the actions of peers to invite others in dangerous activities such as doing drugs has been made. In the Philippines, according to a study conducted by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), there has been a rise in Methamphetamine use in the Philippines since the 1980s and that 14% of users use because of drug influence (Estacio Jr.). This meme encapsulates the process of how teens are persuaded to join in deviant behaviour such as drug use for fear of being an outcast of the group, which is exaggerated by the panel of being kicked out of the building for refusing to join.

HASHTAG: #deviance #DifferentialAssociationTheory #drugs #norms #NoToDrugs #PaCool #AyawNamin #TularanIto #ControlTheory #Attachment #PreventionIsBetterThanCure #SA21

MEME BY: Cortes, K. | Estacio, L. | Lim, K. | Peralta. C. | Reyes, K.

Estacio, Jr., Leonardo. “Assessing Methamphetamine Use Among Drug-Using Filipino Youth.” National Institute of Drug Abuse, NIH, 2010.

Matsueda, Ross L. “Sutherland, Edwin H.: Differential Association Theory and Differential Social Organization.” Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory, doi:10.4135/9781412959193.n250.


Corruption is a prevalent problem in the Philippines even under the current administration (Mourdoukoutas). Despite all the charges against certain senators such as Bong Revilla who has a plunder case against him, they still opted to run and have won as senators of the Philippines (Evangelista). Under the topic of social conflict in deviance, social conflict theory is the struggle between the rich and the poor and how they are treated differently for their deviances (Lumen). In the meme, one side of meme presents how the poor are criminalized for something as low as stealing fruit to eat while the rich politicians get away with even running for positions despite having been charged as criminals.

HASHTAG: #deviance #socialconflict #Marx #doublestandards #unfair #madaya #hustisya #makapalangmukha #SA21 #upperclassVSlowerclass

MEME BY: Cortes, K. | Estacio, L. | Lim, K. | Peralta. C. | Reyes, K.

Evangelista, Alex. “TIMELINE: Bong Revilla's Plunder Case and the Pork Barrel Scam.” Rappler, Rappler, 8 Dec. 2018,

Lumen Learning. “Sociology.” Lumen Learning,

Mourdoukoutas, Panos. “Corruption Is Still A Big Problem In The Philippines.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 22 Feb. 2018,

In understanding the concept of deviance, it basically revolves around the violation of norms. For this meme, I based the concept on the idea that inventors could also be seen to be deviant because their creations are not always seen as something normal at first glance or at its first release to the public. This then creates a tension to the person whether to choose to be socially accepted by people and not bother to become creative and invent something new or be able to create something that the society could really benefit from, not necessarily the cure to cancer. However, there is a possibility that people may judge you and see you as someone different or even treat you differently because of your “unusual” inventions.

HASHTAG: #deviance #norms #daretobedifferent #breakthenorm #socialnorms #pressure #perspectives 

MEME BY: Cortes, K. | Estacio, L. | Lim, K. | Peralta. C. | Reyes, K.

Abrams, Dominic. “Deviance.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica,                        Inc., 26 Nov. 2018,


In truth, everyone has this certain tendency to form labels which in turn leads to the concept of a stigma, whether intentionally or not. In this meme, the concept here is that athletes are immediately attached to the idea they cannot do well in school which is why they are into sport.  The specific behavior of not being academically competent is attributed to those inclined into sport, even if it does not really speak of the truth. This label may then lead to a change in the person’s self - esteem or a stigma.

HASHTAG: #deviance #stigma #labellingtheory #label
MEME BY: Cortes, K. | Estacio, L. | Lim, K. | Peralta. C. | Reyes, K.
Choi, Hong Seok. “The ‘Dumb Jock’ Effect.” Civic Issues Blog Athletics on Campus,                     23 Feb. 2017,

Rape or other kinds of sexual assault are not issues to be taken lightly. In fact, according to a report by Preen, the Center for Women Resources says that one child or woman is raped every 62 minutes and this is alarming to say the least (Del Rio). It may be inevitable that the people who are caught committing rape will be labeled as rapists, which is an example of informal control and it is important that the people who commit rape be caught and be sanctioned accordingly through formal controls such as imprisonment and the filing of cases against the perpetrator. However, it is more important to practice and encourage control or internalization of the norms present in society in order to better discern one’s actions and avoid committing such acts.

HASHTAG: #SA21 #NoToRape #SocialControl #SelfControl #Informal #Formal #SelfRestraint  #StayWoke
MEME BY: Cortes, K. | Estacio, L. | Lim, K. | Peralta. C. | Reyes, K.
Del Rio, B. “The Alarming State of the Philippines' Sexual Harassment and Child Exploitation Cases.”,, 29 Sept. 2018,


Students cheat for a variety of reasons but the most common reason for this is that they simply do not want to fail (“5 Reasons Why Students Cheat.”). As students ourselves, there are also instances when we feel the urge to not study well and just resort to cheating. This is the case because in our mind, the effort we exert and time we at times to study is not really rewarded well so we might as well cheat. When we are given the proper incentives for following norms, the more likely that we are to conform to it but if we are not really rewarded well, there is a higher chance for us to deviate from the norm since we are not incentivized well (“What Is Deterrence Theory?”).

HASHTAG: #SA21 #SchoolLife #Madaya #DeterrenceTheory #Sanctions #KulangSaBenefits #DevianceNation #Deliks
MEME BY: Cortes, K. | Estacio, L. | Lim, K. | Peralta. C. | Reyes, K.
“5 Reasons Why Students Cheat.”, Pulse Nigeria, 13 May 2018,
“What Is Deterrence Theory?” SchoolWorkHelper, School Work Helper,


 Kleptomania is a disorder where people can not help but have urges to steal even random objects that don’t have much value (Mayo Clinic). A lot of people who aren’t really kleptomaniacs claim to be one and use it as an excuse to steal, when in reality, they are just plain thieves. Because it is recognized as a medical disorder, thieves can get away with stealing and bystanders are just expected to accept that they are sick. Therefore they are able to continue to do deviant activities that are non-normative and morally condemned.

HASHTAG: #MedicalizationOfDeviance #klepto #batman #ROBin #magnanakaw #bongrevilla
MEME BY: Cortes, K. | Estacio, L. | Lim, K. | Peralta. C. | Reyes, K.

“Kleptomania.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 21 Oct.         2017,   


 The general view of older generations on teenagers today is that they are lazy (Malcolm). A lot of times, teenagers are scolded by their parents and end up being labelled as “walang kwenta” or good for nothing. This label becomes attached to the teen. Because of the label, the teen will even continue the deviant act of being lazy. At times, the response to being called lazy is to be even more lazy in order to spite parents even more.

HASHTAG: #LabellingTheory #lazy #tamad #kermit #frog #darkside #parents

MEME BY: Cortes, K. | Estacio, L. | Lim, K. | Peralta. C. | Reyes, K.

“Why Are Teenagers Lazy?” LIVESTRONG.COM, Leaf Group,                                             


There have been 33000 cases of measles for this year alone, the most since 2004 (Beaubien). One of the biggest reasons why measles has once again spread is the distrust of vaccines, more commonly known as the anti-vax movement. In the Philippine context, the reason for this movement is the Dengvaxia scandal of 2016 that still affects the consciousness of Filipinos today wherein the failure and subsequent deaths caused by the Dengvaxia injections have made a section of Filipinos distrustful of any vaccine (Beaubien). Even in places with anti-vax movements such as the United States, vaccines are still the norm in helping children fend off curable diseases such as measles (Borter), as it is a rule of conduct that parents give their children the best available medicine, which are vaccines.

HASHTAG: #Norms #SA21Project
MEME BY: Cortes, K. | Estacio, L. | Lim, K. | Peralta. C. | Reyes, K.
Beaubien, Jason. “The Philippines Is Fighting One Of The World's Worst Measles Outbreaks.” NPR, NPR, 23 May 2019,

Borter, Gabriella. “77% Of Americans Say Kids Should Get Measles Shot Even If Parents...” Reuters, Thomson Reuters, 7 May 2019,

MEME 10:

Differential Association Theory may be seen in the use of drugs. People who have friends that use drugs and encourage them are more likely to be users. This is because they have a friend group that enables them to perform the deviant behavior (Dull). Furthermore, another study concludes that peer association and marijuana use have a direct correlation with each other, suggesting that the influence of peers has an effect on one’s own inclination to use illegal drugs (Orcutt).

HASHTAG: #DifferentialAssociationTheory #SA21Project #TheyDoIt #IDoIt
MEME BY: Cortes, K. | Estacio, L. | Lim, K. | Peralta. C. | Reyes, K.

Thomas Dull (1983) “Friends' Use and Adult Drug and Drinking Behavior: A Further Test of Differential Association Theory”,

Orcutt, James D. “Differential Association And Marijuana Use: A Closer Look At Sutherland (With A Little Help From Becker)*.” Criminology, vol. 25, no. 2, 1987, pp. 341–358., doi:10.1111/j.1745-9125.1987.tb00801.x.


Tasks Assigned
Tasks Accomplished
Other comments
Kobe Cortes
Created MEME 5 and 6

Created Meme 5 and 6

Submitted via E-mail
Luis Estacio
Created MEME 3 and 4

Created MEME 3 and 4

Karl Lim
Created MEME 9 and 10

Created MEME 9 and 10

Conor Peralta
Created MEME 7 and 8

Created MEME 7 and 8

Kal-el Reyes
Created MEME 1 and 2

Created MEME 1 and 2

Submitted via blog spot

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