We asked the question, "If you could change your religion, would you? Why? If yes, to which religion?" and below the cut, you can see the responses we got from different people from different social groups.
Age groups
Jewel, 11, M, kiddo
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion |
Michelle, 11, F, kiddo
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion |
JJ, 15, M, teen
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion |
Tia, 15, F, teen
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion |
Raffy, 30, M, professional
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion |
Joie, 25, F, professional
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion |
Andy, 45, M, adult (36-50)
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion |
Thelma, 46, F, adult (36-50)
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion |
Social class
Mike, 18, M, upperclass
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion |
Maia, 18, F, upperclass
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion |
Rico, 42, M, lowerclass
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion
"Hinde dahil yon ang kinalakihan ko."
Translation: "No, because it's what I grew up with." |
Social institutions
Bryan, ??, M, works/volunteers for a church/sect/religion
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion
"No \ Because: \ *My religion developed me to become a better citizen of this nation. \ *Its a part of my family's culture." |
Mariel, 17, F, works/volunteers for a church/sect/religion
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion |
Macky, 48, F, mother
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion |
Jr., 53, M, father
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion |
Lolo Manok, 82, M, grandfather
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion
Translation: "No, I won't change my religion because it's what I've known all my life." |
Lola Aning, 71, F, grandmother
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion
Translation: "I won't change my religion because it's where I grew up in and there's no problem with it anyway." |
Cesd, 16, F, student
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion |
Tita Angie, 44, F, teacher
#religion #wouldyou #changereligion |
For most respondents, it can be generalized that their religion has played an important part in their lives. That their religion has contributed in how they are now and how they perceive the world. Those who do not want to change their religion have reasoned that it is faith that makes them stay and it has already been rooted within them. However, for those who would want to change their religion, they reasoned that religion has been a nuisance in their lives, that it is too centered on specific guidelines and that limits how they voice themselves out and makes their lives complicated.
Based on the several age groups given, there is something unique on the insight of the respondents in each of the category. Although we only had to ask two kids for this project, their answers provided some important insights. Their answers might be on opposite ends of the spectrum but it shows how most children are socialized: to believe in something larger than them and to believe that something should be for the good of everything. The teens, student, teachers and the working people on the other hand perceive religion as how they feel about it. Religion for them is kind of opinionated and contains their free will, they have their own thoughts and perceptions on what religion is. For the older people, it is evident that they have a strong faith and deep sense of spirituality as they were most likely nurtured and strengthened by it throughout their lives.
For the different social groups, we can see that both sets that we interviewed- upper class and lower class, be it male or female, they wouldn’t want to change their religion. However, we can see that there is a significant difference on how they reason on this. The lower class are more on how they value their religion than that of those on the upper class where they think about how they view and perceive their religion. What was surprising on the response that has been gathered is that an active religious member would want to change her religion, something that would not normally be thought of by ordinary people since those people who belong to this sector of society is known to be already faithful and loyal.
We do not see any challenge or issue in completing the final task because the answers needed are just perceptions of different respondents. The question, too, is quite simple. The answers that has been gathered from the respondents says a lot about how society, in one way or another, influences them and how their opinions differ from one class/group to another, not much difference though on the views with regards to different genders. It is then very interesting to see varying responses on how the society perceive religion especially that it is a sensitive and controversial topic in our country.
brought to you by: BAMF (SA21 C) - Avila, Espartinez, Khoo, C Mendoza, Ouyang, Reyes
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