Final Project: Teen Titans
SA 21 Section B
Topic: Deviance
We asked 20 people from different age brackets, social class, and social institutions a very interesting question that we called the hundred-thousand-peso-question. Behold for the very amusing and even shocking answers that you are about to see! Enjoy. :)
Question: For P100 000. 00, which of teh following would you consider doing?
a. Cross-dress for a month.
b. French kiss a random stranger on the lips.
c. Dye your hair with multiple colors.
d. Jaywalking.
e. Cheating on a partner.
f. Eating human flesh.
Age Group
#deviance #folkways |
Name: Alec
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Status: Geade School Student
"I am so excited to try this. Just for fun!"
#deviance #folkways |
Name: Princess
Age: 9
Status: Grade School Student
"I can boeeow from my kuya and this is gonna be so easy for me."
#deviance #folways |
Name: Aldrin
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Status: College Student
"Just to be different."
#deviance #folkways |
Name: Elai
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Status: College Student
"Madali like 1, 2, 3."
#deviance #mores |
Name: wish not to disclose
Age: wish not to disclose
Gender: Male
Status: Professor, PolSci Dept., ADMU
"wish not to disclose"
#deviance #law
Name: Aimee
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Status: Department Secretary
"Easiest to do."
#deviance #folkways #dyehair |
Name: Ben
Age: 49
Gender: Male
Status: Family Driver
"Dye hair, because it is the simplest."
#deviance #folkways #dyehair |
Name: Elv
Age: 49
Gender: Female
Status: Housemaid
"Dye hair, because it is the simplest."
Social Class
#deviance #mores #upperclass |
Name: Albert Sy
Age: 52
Gender: Male
Status: Bussinessman
"Eating human flesh because he's curious about the taste."
#deviance #folkways #upperclass |
Name: Rosario Sy
Age: 48
Gender: Female
Status: Bussinesswoman
"Cross-dressing because it's the easiest task to do."
#deviance #laws #working class |
Name: Rowel Calogos
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Status: Security Personnel
"Kasi may thrill."
#deviance #folkways #workingclass |
Name: Alma Fermano
Age: 42
Gender: Female
Status: Photocopying personnel
"Kasi tomboy ako dati."
Social Institutions
#deviance #folkways #lector |
Name: Dr. Grace Carole Beltran
Age: does not wish to share haha
Gender: Female
Occupation: dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon; mass lector
"I've always wanted to try wearing some clothes for men!"
#deviance #folkways |
Name: Angelo
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Status: College student and Church choir member
"It's easy. I can even do it for free."
#deviance #folkways |
Name: Ric
Age: early 50s
Gender: Male
Status: Businessman; parent
"I would cross-dress because it is the simplest."
#deviance #mores |
Name: Luisa
Age: late 40s
Gender: Female
Status: Housewife; parent
"I would cross-dress because it is the simplest."
#deviance #laws |
Name: Pacifico
Age: -
Gender: Male
Status: Lolo
"Because a lot of people are already doing it."
#deviance #folkways |
Name: Pacifica
Age: -
Gender: Female
Status: Lola
"Because in doing so, i offend no one."
#deviance #laws |
Name: Victor
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Status: Teacher, ADMU
"Because it's the the easiest thing to do out of the 6. Screw the rules."
#deviance #laws |
Name: Reine
Age: 19
gender: Female
Occupation: Upperclassman
"P100,000 is so big just to pay a jaywalking fine."
Well, to start off, we begin with our Teenage participants. It was very interesting to find out that a teenage boy is willing to cross dress for a month (even said he would do it for free) because it would be a quite amusing experience to see how his friends would react to him while the girl answered that she would be willing to dye her hair with multiple colors because she has done it before. As you may infer, it may seem so that the generation of the youth today are more adventurous and diversifying in what they want to experiment in their physical appearances because they feel they have more “freedom” to do it and are less likely to be judged nowadays.
As for the kids, our group mate was excited and at the same time iffy about asking the kids about our deviance question because he felt they might be a bit too “overwhelming” for them. He was amused when he found out that at their age, they had the concept of giving importance to morals, values, law, and norms, thus, he wasn’t that much surprised anymore about their choices. From what they chose, (dying the hair and cross-dressing for a month) we can say that for the kids, they were willing to go against the things that they usually do for a hundred thousand pesos probably because there wasn’t much really to think about on the question.
For the Working class, we ended up going for our Guard and Photocopier personnel because a lot of people didn’t want to get questioned. Funnily enough though, the Guard ended up choosing to break the law because, as he said, “May thrill”. For our very own Photocopier (Ate Alma), she chose to cross dress because she used to be a “tomboy”.
As we can conclude from the experiment, the choices of the adults and parents (both male and female) are pretty much similar, where they would choose what they think are the easiest and safest to do without disrupting the folkways and mores of society. As dying one's hair in different colors or cross-dressing for a month are actions that would create gossip within friends but wouldn't really create that much controversies as the other actions such as cannibalism or cheating, or endanger one's life such as jaywalking. For the teens, so long as the people that surround them don’t mind what they do, they seem not to care whatever they end up doing. Of course though, we still had one person, a teacher, who picked to eat human flesh but shied away from showing his face and giving his name to be showed here. We can only understand that he felt that he could be judged by others if people knew that he was willing to do this. As it stands though, it seems that when people reach a certain age, they tend to care less of their fears of being judged by others so that in doing these weird things it’s not really that big of a deal for them anymore.