Tuesday, March 4, 2014

This meme likens the Titanic crew to Bad Luck Brian, wherein the members of the crew were "unlucky" to die first despite working hard for their passengers. This also highlights the social inequality in that tragedy.
#inequality #badluckproletariat

Surplus labor is basically work that does not get compensated for. In the film Office Space (source of this meme), the employees were overworked by their boss, compelling them to rebel.
#officespace #harshworkingconditions

Conspicuous consumption is about purchasing goods for the sake of keeping up appearances. Condescending Willy Wonka is being . . condescending towards those who purchase Ferraris to display their social status.

In this meme, Marx is saying that capitalism is bad, and that capitalists should feel bad. Because of inequality and class struggle.
#marx #classstruggle 

Insanity Wolf is a meme which tells stories, or suggests to the readers acts, of insanity, often employing hyperbole to heighten humor. In this case, someone who would dare tell a feminist that women have lesser rights would be considered either extremely brave or just insane. 
#genderinequality #socialconflict #sofunnythismeme

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